Admirals Club Anyone?
We just got back from a great trip to D.C. and Virginia. Since we had a looooong layover in St. Louis we tried to talk our way into the Admirals Club. It didn't work but we did get some info and are thinking about joining so we have a place to hang out in the airport on this round-the-world trip.
Matt has been working on hotel reservations. He found a place for $12 in Beijing. That's what we need! My next task is to send out letters to companies to solicit donations and sponsorship. I tried this once before and got nowhere but I'm going to keep bugging them. Don't these people know what a great marketing opportunity this is??
OK, that's all I've got. I'm looking forward to gorging myself on T-Day on Thursday...mmmmm.
Hi Matt and Jen!!
I love this blog stuff! Thank you for introducing me to it! I wish everyone had one, not just because I am nosy but it is really good for keeping track of your own memories! Your trip sounds so exciting and adventureous. Take care and cant wait to hear more!
Robin : )
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